The Vitafloor® is a great addition for our competition horses. It really helps to keep them in top shape, sound and healthy!
S. Peters Dressage
San Diego, California USA, spetersdressage.com
I had the privilege of using a Vitafloor® while stabled in Belgium in preparation for the 2014 World Equestrian Games. I was hesitant about my horse being nervous but he very quickly accepted the sessions and was soon leading himself onto the floor!
Vitafloor® helps keep my horses comfortable in ways that I can’t. The vibration penetrates much deeper than any icing technology or massage and treats the whole body in every session. In addition to the physical benefits, the horses love it!
Laura Graves Dressage
Geneva, Florida USA, crosstiesllc.com.com
Since using the Vitafloor®, my horses feel warmed up and loose in their muscles as soon as I get on now. At shows not only are they looser but also calmer overall. Based on my own personal experience I believe Vitafloor® to be the best product available.
Laurie Falvo GP Dressage Trainer
Encinitas, California USA
My 15-year-old Dutch gelding is competing successfully at GP, and I attribute his health and soundness in large measure to the daily use of the Vitafloor®. Even though he is ‘older’ and competing at the top levels of dressage, he continues not to need any orthopaedic shoeing or any kind of maintenance, injections or medicine.
Jan Dickieson
Encinitas, California USA
Since I’ve begun warming my horses up with the Vitafloor® vibrating floor system, I feel a little like I am cheating. My horses start out warmed up and energetic. They begin in a soft elastic frame and with continued gymnastic exercises, I finish with a very supple, elastic horse that seems to find collection much easier. The quality of the work, which is achieved in a shorter period of time, is much greater.
The quality of the collection, the piaffe, passage and the pirouettes are much better and the horses are more comfortable when collected. I am even finding that straightness is easier and horses that were mouthy are quieter and more comfortable in the bridle. In short, all aspects of the riding and training of the horses have improved in a very short period of time.
Liz Hopps McConnell GP Dressage Trainer
San Marcos, California USA
We use Vitafloor® every day and it helps our horses to recover after tough training.
Daniel Zetterman
Swedish National Team, Linderod, Sweden, www.springfieldfarm.se
We have used Vitafloor® for two years now and we have seen the great effect that the products have on our horses. The horses feel great. They are relaxed, happy, fit and moving better than ever. We are very grateful to Vitafloor® for their help and the use of their fantastic therapies. They are simple to use and the horses love it.
Double H Farm
Wellington, Florida USA, doublehfarm.org
The Vitafloor® is a fantastic tool for helping to bring horses back to fitness quickly and safely after injury – in fact the speed of recovery has surprised us. We now put all our horses on the Vitafloor® to help maintain fitness and to reduce the incidence of injury in the first place – it is now an integral part of our daily regime at Robins Farm Racing. Apart from the fact that it virtually runs itself, freeing our staff to do other work, we’ve found that having the Vitafloor® has helped us keep recovering horses on box rest onsite… we need that second unit!
Robins Farm Racing
Chiddingfold, England, robinsfarmracing.com
The Vitafloor® is very user-friendly and practical in design. Since using it, my horses are fitter and more relaxed with improved musculature. It also helps prevent tying-up. …our family-owned racehorse ‘Mikado’ has shown great improvement using Vitafloor®.
Bob Leonard Racing
Las Cruzes, New Mexico USA
Peas & Carrots became racehorse of the year twice in Sweden with help from our Vitafloor®!
Lennart Reuterskiöld Jr.
Svedala, Sweden, lrjunior.se
We use the Vitafloor® on all our trotters and it makes them stronger and smoother.
Helena Burman
Trainer of Jackal Face, Sweden
We use the Vitafloor® daily to optimise the performance of our event horses. There are so many benefits but starting from the bottom up! I have found a huge improvement in their hoof quality and growth. Lumps and bumps and squishy areas on legs have either disappeared or diminished (I can safely say we have a full range). Locking stifles no longer lock. To ride the horses are altogether more agile – you could say rejuvinated, without exception our horses have greater mobility through their wither and their natural cadence is enhanced.I believe the vibration technology stimulates toxin removal as well which is really helpful for the event horses who store up lactic acid in their muscles. I am continually impressed by their health and vitality and their desire to do their work. I run an aqua treadmill facility from the yard and more and more owners are using the Vitafloor® too and not just for their horses. One owner actually went home and bought herself a power plate after standing on the Vitafloor®! She felt all her aches and pains oscillate away and I think the horses would endorse that too.
I believe the vibration technology stimulates toxin removal as well which is really helpful for the event horses who store up lactic acid in their muscles. I am continually impressed by their health and vitality and their desire to do their work. I run an aqua treadmill facility from the yard and more and more owners are using the Vitafloor® too and not just for their horses. One owner actually went home and bought herself a power plate after standing on the Vitafloor®! She felt all her aches and pains oscillate away and I think the horses would endorse that too.
Pip Wates
Equine Aqua Training, Sussex, England, equineaquatraining.com
We’ve been delighted to work with Equine Health Centre. It’s a fantastic facility here at Chedington, and thanks to Equine Health Centre we have all of these options available to us. I’m quite excited to see how we can use the Aquatrainer, Horse Gym 2000 dry treadmill and the Vitafloor as a way of both preventing injury and improving performance.
Chris Burton
I can definitely feel the lack of strength, flexibility and especial lack of muscle mass that Henry is displaying this year compared to last year when he was on a Vitafloor each day.
Peter Atkins
Member Australian WEG Team, Ocala, Florida USA

I have been treating competition horses for Piggy March Eventing for many years, and as a team we were delighted to have a Vitafloor installed in the main yard earlier this season . Most of the horses have used the floor on a regular bases and it has proved to be a great asset to the horses to Piggy and myself .
Three of Piggy’s more experienced horses have particularly benefited :
Bookfield Cavalier Cruise, Brookfield Future News and Coolparks Sarco have all used the Vitafloor with great results. The above horses like most competition athletes suffer with muscular skeletal issues which are all managed carefully. The therapy the floor offers provides the horses with a stimulating session which promotes blood circulation throughout the whole body, benefitting health, maintenance, and rehabilitation. It speeds up recovery times and allows tissue healing and activates muscle fibres allowing more muscle flexibility and quicker repair.
The Vitafloor has been a useful addition to the running of the yard and I have been extremely impressed with how it has helped all of Piggy’s horses.
Thomasina Spilman
McTimoney Chiropractor M.C A.M.C M.M.C.A
I run a small private hunt/polo yard in the Cotswolds. Last year we were lucky enough to be able to borrow a Vitafloor® VM0 mobile unit during which time we used it for a number of our horses that were on rehabilitation programmes with numerous injuries ranging from different degrees of tendon damage as well as a fractured pedal bone. Each one of these horses are now back in work having made full recoveries within a surprisingly short period of time and well within that anticipated by our vet. Scans show little or no scarring and in one of these cases, we were told a full recovery was highly unlikely due to the extent of the damage! We were so impressed by the improvement in our horses that we immediately ordered the Vitafloor® VM1 to be fitted into one of our stables.
Since then, we have finished a long and very busy hunting season and I can safely say we have not had one injury. Each horse is allotted a 20 minute time slot on the Vitafloor® each day and the results are sometimes instant – an old horse that is stiff from a busy day hunting in deep mud will show instant relief after being on the Vitafloor®. Equally, heat is distributed so a warm leg comes off cooler – this was something I refused to believe until I saw for myself that the claim was fact not fiction. There is no doubt in our minds that the Vitafloor® has been the best investment we have made and I cannot recommend its qualities more highly.
Antonia Davies
Private Hunt/Polo Yard, Cotswolds, England
We have been using the Vitafloor® in both the transportable version and the full stall version for a few years now. We have these units installed at a couple of our clients farms and they see use daily for a number of reasons, from pre-warming a horse prior to work under saddle, to rehabilitation following a soft tissue injury or maintaining bone and tissue density when on lay-up.
In addition we have employed the systems for treating various ailments to the foot and have had occasion to place horses with early signs of colic on the machine with good results. It seems that placing a horse with a mild colic on the system has similar benefits to that old fashioned trailer ride. Overall I have been very pleased with the Vitafloor® products and find many uses for the technology when it is available. The horses seem to like it as well.
Mark Silverman DVM MS
Sporthorse Veterinary Services, San Marcos, California USA
We have used Vitafloor® since August 2008 in Bo Westergaars’ trotting stable at Vang Hovegaard Studfarm in Denmark. We find among other things that Vitafloor® is very effective in removing galls and it has a good effect in reducing swellings from different kinds of traumas. The most significant effect of Vitafloor® is that we have now treated remarkably fewer of our active racehorses with joint injections. We are quite sure we have reduced this type of treatment by 40-50%. It has been no problem for the horses to get used to or adapt to the Vitafloor®. They stay calm and relaxed during the treatment.
Dr. Camilla Gregersen
Dybvad, Denmark, camillagregersen.dk
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