Belebro Automatic Horse Walker
Belebro are a Global leader and Pioneer of safe Horse Walkers. Every detail is considered and designed to create the kindest, safest and most productive environment for your horse. Whether using a walker as part of your day to day routine or for rehabilitation, additional fitness or just on those rainy days you should have a look at the many ways in which Belebro will benefit your horse over a conventional horse walker.

The key difference between a Belebro Horse Walker and those that you might be more accustomed to is the space and openness we offer horses. For example our five horse walker would fit around the outside of many of the more commonly seen horse walkers in this country. The track is wide enough for horses to turn around comfortably, our separators designed for horses to be able to relax, move in an un-stressed fashion, encouraging them to drop their heads and walk with a positive outline.
All of a sudden the horse walker will become more than just a tool and you will see that, when working on a Belebro Horse Walker, your horse is getting a productive workout.
The Belebro horse walker is an essential component of a Seawalker (along with their buildings and fencing) and the quality is second to none. All these components are designed with the psychology of the horse in mind – their need to be able to see around them and to have the space to enjoy the experience. This minimises handling difficulties, maximises exercising effect and provides a safe and enjoyable environment for horses and handlers!
Have a question? Give us a call on +44 (0)1458 251300