A horse walking round a Seawalker Horse Water Walker
Close up of the Seawalker Horse Water Walker logo

Bringing the benefits of the sea to the yard

Seawalker horse walker with salinated, chilled, variable depth water. Controlled exercise, added water resistance, step up rehab and training.

A horse stood on a mobile Vitafloor version with side bars and safety click system
The Vitafloor horse vibration therapy system logo

Original vibrating equine floor system

Vitafloor equine whole body stimulation. Clinically researched, automated vibrating floor for horses. Stand alone units or fitted into stables.

A horse stood in a Horse Gym 2000 Treadmill
Horse Gym 2000 logo

Horse Treadmills & Equine Hydrotherapy Units

Horse Gym variable treadmills, water treadmills and equine spa range. German engineered, designed with safety, performance and reliability at the fore.

The interior of a Belebro Automatic Horse Walker
The Belebro horse walker logo

Horse walkers with horse psychology in mind

Belebro horse walkers, the space and openness create a kind, safe, training environment for horses.  Walkers to support equine exercise programmes.

An equine altitude training system

Train horses at controlled simulated altitude

Altitude Training Systems give horses a cardio-vascular workout at relatively low speeds. Work at simulated altitude to build stamina and strength.


  • Used correctly, Seawalker is probably the most significant step forward ever in the training of the equine athlete…

    Mary Bromiley MBE FCSP SRP World-renowned equine physiotherapist
  • Cross-training in the Seawalker produces a stronger, more stable and balanced musculoskeletal system. This is likely to produce more confidence in the equine athlete and frequently a greater willingness to push itself that bit further. Walking through the water encourages the horses to adopt self-carriage. Working in such a way is an ideal scenario for all horses…

    Rob Jackson BVetMed MRCVS Veterinary surgeon to the British Endurance Team
  • We have already experienced many individual cases in the short time of having the Seawalker but of particular note was that leg joints and fetlocks tightened up in all horses, the effect was noticeable within days…

    Various trainers under confidentiality restrictions
  • A common problem with racehorses is that post-training the muscles can ‘tie up’ or seize. This is very painful for a horse and we found once again that a 20 minute session in the Seawalker before and after riding controlled this problem better than any medication…

    Various trainers under confidentiality restrictions
  • For the sprinting thoroughbreds a 20 minute session on the Seawalker before training would loosen up the muscles and we found the horses moved remarkably better directly after…

    Various trainers under confidentiality restrictions
  • We have already experienced many individual cases in the short time of having the Seawalker but of particular note was that leg joints and fetlocks tightened up in all horses, the effect was noticeable within days…

    Various trainers under confidentiality restrictions
  • The potential performance gains of an altitude training strategy will outweigh all other forms of modern sports science interventions.

    Ben Holliss PHD Performance Scientist, British Swimming
  • At altitude the horse can work at a much lower speed to get the same cardiovascular response

    Jeremy Gask Trainer of Medicean Man
  • I can definitely feel the lack of strength, flexibility and especial lack of muscle mass that Henry is displaying this year compared to last year when he was on a Vitafloor each day.

    Peter Atkins Member Australian WEG Team
  • The Vitafloor is great for the horses warming up or cooling down as it stimulates muscles gently.

    Louise Cornwell Longholes Ltd
  • My Vitafloor is an intrinsic part of our training and fitness programme. All the horses on the yard use it every week throughout the year; this includes the hunters, eventers and my children's ponies. I feel the floor improves muscle stability and tone. It is a vital piece of equipment for Team Taylor and I would not be without it.

    Izzy Taylor Team Taylor Eventing, UK
  • The Vitafloor® is a great addition for our competition horses. It really helps to keep them in top shape, sound and healthy!

    S. Peters Dressage San Diego, California USA, spetersdressage.com
  • We use Vitafloor® every day and it helps our horses to recover after tough training.

    Daniel Zetterman Swedish National Team, Linderod, Sweden, www.springfieldfarm.se
  • The Vitafloor® is very user-friendly and practical in design. Since using it, my horses are fitter and more relaxed with improved musculature. It also helps prevent tying-up. …our family-owned racehorse ‘Mikado’ has shown great improvement using Vitafloor®.

    Bob Leonard Racing Las Cruzes, New Mexico USA
  • Peas & Carrots became racehorse of the year twice in Sweden with help from our Vitafloor®!

    Lennart Reuterskiöld Jr. Svedala, Sweden, lrjunior.se
  • We use the Vitafloor® on all our trotters and it makes them stronger and smoother.

    Helena Burman Trainer of Jackal Face, Sweden
  • I can definitely feel the lack of strength, flexibility and especial lack of muscle mass that Henry is displaying this year compared to last year when he was on a Vitafloor each day.

    Peter Atkins Member Australian WEG Team, Ocala, Florida USA
  • We’ve been delighted to work with Equine Health Centre.  It’s a fantastic facility here at Chedington, and thanks to Equine Health Centre we have all of these options available to us.  I’m quite excited to see how we can use the Aquatrainer, Horse Gym 2000 dry treadmill and the Vitafloor as a way of both preventing injury and improving performance.

    Chris Burton Burton Equestrian
  • The Aquatrainer is the most excellent way for doing cross-training.  It is core strength and excellent conditioning training for the horses, as well as being low impact.  What I love most is that it is chilled water. I can't think of a better way to burn off the lactic acid and get cold water on their limbs.

    Chris Burton 3x CCI5* Winner
  • One of the reasons I prefer the Horse Gym 2000 dry treadmill over a circular walker is that the horses are walking in a straight line and of course, the up hill graduation is the best bit.

    Chris Burton Australian Olympian


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